No matter where you go to find the latest and greatest of Denver SEO tactics, inevitably an article will stress the need for “great content”. Even from Google itself, the main idea behind succeeding in organic search results is to have “great content”. I spent my first year of learning SEO trying to figure out what great and unique content is exactly because no matter where I went it seemed like I had read another article that was a recreation in some way, shape, or form. It seemed to be an all too common plight within many industries that a lot of blog posts were just repeats of other posts with some small amount of variation. This puts the strain on us as writers; having to come up with new content to rank higher compared to established competitors or just mass produce the same content in hopes of getting pulled into the top ten.
Part of it has to be how hard it is to actually come up with original content anymore. There are literally BILLIONS of pages on the internet today. That is a massive amount of content. How is it then that we can create original ideas? One part of it is ingenuity (natural talent) but as a professional in your indsutry that’s probably something you’re accustomed to, so we won’t worry about that so much. The second part is about applying that ingenuity to trending and relevant topics. Getting ahead of the trends is a paramount part of creating unique content because if you can be at the forefront of any given topic that your content will be completely unique. You could be starting the trend instead of being at the tail end of it trying to pick up scraps. This will give your content the distinct advantage of gathering more readers and potentially being linked from other articles due to its originality.
The question now is, how do you come up with such original content on a consistent basis? Easy. There’s a tool for that. Four actually (one idea) making five in total for you to spin your web of original ideas to come up with your own variations.